Friday, June 12, 2009

the day the U.S. almost woke the fuck up...

it'd be amazing to see how what effect not seeing TV for weeks would have on the U.S. population.

how much of the indoctrination would wear off in a relatively short period of time.

it's scary the way the media outlets have presented the idea that not having access to TV broadcasts will put citizens at risk some kind of way. half the shit on TV needs to be missed. shit, i'm willing to say 85% of the shit on TV needs to be missed. i get mad as shit sometimes 'cause i try to watch TV & there isn't shit to watch.

oh well, at least the bullshit is coming in clearer now. no more blurry bullshit. after a while, there'll be nothing but high definition, mind numbing bullshit softening up the brains of the masses.

don't think. maintain apathy & be happy w/the moldy crumbs provided. good little humans...

make like i love the shit out of TV programming...

PEACE calm...

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