Saturday, June 20, 2009

visitations from proliferia...

i have always been steered by creative energies in life. seems sometimes this is at odds w/my logical aspects. i would have to admit to a favoring of my left brain, but my right brain does not fuck around like that at all.

my respect & love for art in its various forms has always been something that brings me great peace in life. this is true for poetry, music, photography, painting, sculpture, drawing, etc. not to suggest that i create using all these mediums, but i do find peace in experiencing the creations of others, if not my own.

when i was a kid, i used to write stories & make comic books 'n' shit like that. i still come up w/story ideas, skits, scenarios, etc. my lack of focus kicks me in the ass w/follow through on most of these ideas. fortunately i'm aware of this & i try to work against it. it is highly unreasonable to expect to achieve any significant level of progress w/o focused effort & persistence.

make like i'm not my greatest hater...

PEACE calm...

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