Thursday, June 04, 2009

where do elevators hang out?

for some odd reason, my mind occasionally considers such peculiar thoughts...

i got on the 'vator at the gig & forgot to press the button for the my correct floor. i was on the lower level & the 'vator just went to the 1st level. made me think this post's title, as if knowing makes a difference...

speaking of knowing & making a difference, here's an odd thought that occurred to me a couple of days ago:

if everything happens for a reason, but the reason for some things cannot be known, what's the difference between an unknowable reason and no reason at all? there doesn't seem to be much difference from a human perspective. there isn't much point in considering the universal perspective as there are no unknowable reasons to the universe. returning to the human perspective, it's amazing how many different ways humans have tried to explain away the reality of having no idea WTF is really going on in the universe.
i may not particularly like all aspects of the unknown, but i can't say i necessarily fear it. i'm definitely not afraid of death. not afraid of hell, but it's kinda hard to fear that which you do not believe.
make like i'm not tired as fuck right now...

PEACE calm...

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