Monday, March 31, 2008

impetus for change...

the world needs artists. at least humans do anyway. artists are the true prophets of human society. without artists to embrace the forbidden, humans wouldn't have much of shit right about now. even in the realms of so-called science. it is the creative thinking scientist that makes the new discoveries. the usual shit just doesn't usually cut it. innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc., these are all artistic minded people. a creative vision must exist at some point to influence one to devise a plan of actualization. yet in still, academia will attempt in many cases of the common human's concern to minimize or completely discredit the function of art & artists in human society. art serves as historical record. as logistical/geographic record. as interpretive thought provoking discussion piece. this last one is the real killer, discussion.

communication is a premium, and no one seems to want to communicate about anything significant. people talk all day, every day, about not one goddamned significant thing. meanwhile, some of the most important topics known to humans everywhere are commonly regarded as taboo. sex. politics. religion. if i can't talk about this shit, then fuck it: here, take my damn tongue, it's practically useless. why limit the perpetuation of common knowledge amongst common people? makes sense if it's powerful knowledge and certain l'il freaks don't want to share all that shit commonly. limited knowledge easily leads to false wisdom. wisdom appears to be the guide of life. it's like Jiminy Cricket, but not at all really.

the bottom line is [since i clearly went wandering off in my brain somewhere...] change does not occur w/o suffering. that is a human fact of history. so fuck it, i'm down w/change. bring it on you little fuckers.

on that note, make like my younger sister has some goddamned sense at all...

PEACE calm...

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