Monday, March 17, 2008


i'm supposed to be advocating the positivities of pornography consumption here, but i logged onto the web (actuallly opened evil IE) and saw the nutest shit on Yahoo! some fuck ups in OK dropped a fucking bomb on an apartment building. how do you fuck that one up? did it fall out of somebody's pocket while they were flying through the air? WTF! did somebody have a bad itch and couldn't get to it in the cockpit of the plane? maybe while trying to get at the itch, some idiot accidentally pressed the special drop-the-bomb-on-civilians button. again, WTF!

so anyway, porn is an awesome expression of human existence. i won't go to into detail here, but i believe my assertion is justified. i really can't go into details, 'cause that fucking bomb story blew a hole in my immediate train of thought for this post to advocate pornography...

on that note...

make like Carmen Hayes & L.T. are not 2 of the coolest...


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