Friday, May 16, 2008

hmmm...what will happen if...

everybody says fuck the oil companies and stops buying gas for at least a week? i'm going to try to do something using my knowledge of the web & economic concepts. i'm going to try to organize a grassroots gasoline price protest.

this would be tight to hit sometime in June. the real problem is motivation. oddly there doesn't seem to be much more need for motivation beyond paying damn near $4/gallon for essentially the same gasoline that was less than $2/gallon.

let's spell it together


this is a great example of capitalism failing miserably for its practitioners...

it's sad that there enough peeps to exert the necessary pressure to lower gas prices, but people do not have the commitment to follow a plan & do this shit...

make like gasoline powered technology is not clearly outdated as a primary means of transportation...

PEACE calm...

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