Thursday, May 15, 2008

in yer facial area w/some nonsense...

WTF is wrong w/a society that claims to be the example for the global community, but cannot house, feed, and/or care for it's members? how is this the richest country in the world but there are homeless families? how about the hungry fuckers that can't get any goddamned food, in this country? WTF! another good one is healthneglect. [no, that is not a typo] how do you provide for the health of children but not the adults who are responsible for them? if the parent is all fucked up, how in the hell are they supposed to get the kid to the MD? WTHIT! [oooh! figure that shit out...] even better, how do you claim that education is of the utmost importance, but

  1. don't pay educators anything worth what bullshit they actually have to endure
  2. create socio-economic situations where kids are severely undereducated as a rule
  3. make higher education economically inaccessible regardless of intellectual ability
  4. prioritize pieces of paper over real world experience for salary determination

okay, that last one could be argued not to belong w/the other 3, but it is still an issue.

bottom line is this country has some serious identity issues. there are a great many lies afoot. this is not the greatest place in the world to live. if you believe that bullshit, go jump in front of a Mack truck w/a double load hooked up to it. you might as well, 'cause you're living a lie. does this society have the potential to make this the greatest country? i'm sure it does, but no one has lived up to that shit since the country's inception. this country has a long history of doing much like many other "great" countries and basically getting simple shit real wrong for extended periods of time. enslaving other humans just because they are different is a greatly ignored example. this country wouldn't be shit right now w/o enslavement. no free labor = no development. fuck that. ignoring & glossing over that shit is no less egregious than Iranians suggesting that WWII didn't decimate European practitioners of Judaism. you just can't condone shit like that by suggesting that it either didn't happen, or that it is so far in the past that it no longer deserves consideration. stop that.

reality has been obscured from the general public's eyes for so long, that when it is revealed people are either shocked or repulsed by it. it's humorous to me when people get outraged at the latest racial issue. that shit didn't go anywhere. i don't believe race is the central issue, but it cannot be denied that it is an issue. i will say 'til i'm dead that economics trumps the shit out of race. poor fuckers are poor fuckers worldwide. some would suggest that Europeans have manipulated society on a global scale so that European interests dominate the global community. this is not observably true. not to say that there has been no European influence there, but just how many Europeans are manipulating China? kinda blows that argument out of a racists ass. yes, racism exists like a motherfucker, but it seems to be a distraction technique used to keep the struggling folks separated. divide & conquer works so well...


make like blogger's formatting isn't getting on my fucking nerves...

PEACE calm...

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