Tuesday, April 07, 2009

excuse me, i'm slurring my speech...

found a database for racial slurs...

imagine that.

i've been thinking about slurs lately. i'm still trying to figure out why slurs that are used to refer to Africans in the U.S. are so much more important than other ethnic slurs.

specifically, why don't Europeans hold rallies when someone calls someone a cracker? does the ignorance & foulness embodied in the history of enslavement somehow make nigger or any of its derivatives more wrong than other racial slurs?

there's a European at the gig that calls Asian peeps orientals. it's my understanding that oriental is considered a slur. even if it isn't, there are many other things i've heard rude patrons use to refer to the employees of Chinese take-out joints.

if the person behind the bulletproof glass yelled nigger or whatever through the window, who knows what crazy shit might happen next.

seems pretty lopsided. is nigger worse than chink? i think not. what the fuck is wrong w/peeps?

make like there is a sense in slur hierarchy...

...be calm...

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