Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the revolution will not be realized...

fuck televised, the revolution is not going to happen.

for 1, people are afraid of death. ultimately, that is the true cost of significant freedom. one must be willing to sacrifice one's meaningful existence in order to approach the threshold of victory.

the masses are pacified by the great perpetuation of fear. if you do not fear death, you can accomplish many great things.

this idea is what makes The Usual Suspects such a great movie. Keyser Söze did not allow the fear of death to control his dealings. what an awesome message through mythology.

the fear of death is the ultimate means of enslavement.

how else do you continuously explain the docile nature of the working poor & working class humans when faced w/the atrocities of those w/economic power.

there are far more people w/o than w/the means to live as needed in this predominantly capitalist society.

the world of humans is quite fucked up, but too many people are willing to accept things the way they are w/o questions or a fight.

die free before living enslaved by the status quo...

make like humans have the universe even minutely figured out...

PEACE calm...

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