Friday, July 10, 2009

aired o-u-t...

goddamnit. i'm pissed off about Steve McNair. dude fucked up. let's just say that i'm an expert on crazy chicks.

this chick looked crazy! WTF Steve?

i guess dude was having a midlife or something. how do fuck your shit up to the point where a side jawn offs you in your booty call crib?

dunno if he lied to her about the whole divorce thing, but if he did, damn...

if you've got to lie to get some pussy, you ought not be taggin' the booty you're trying to tag. it just isn't worth the drama that comes later. obviously this is an extreme case, but again, WTF Steve?

i feel sorry for his sons. who knows what kind of psychological/emotional issues they're going to develop from this bullshit.

the voices of choices speak forever, whether you choose to listen to them or not...

make like this chick did not go out like a stone cold nut...

PEACE calm...

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