Wednesday, July 15, 2009

is there hope yet...

looks like i may actually get a friggin' vacation this year.

this would be quite awesome considering. granted, i'm not going to be going anywhere, but at least i can not go in to work for an entire week & still collect my ducats...


this year's vacation motto is "please, please, no damn fleas..."

i'm going to be doing a lot of organizing, cleaning, shredding, recycling, & most importantly, relax/sleeping. hope i don't irritate the fam too much. they act like they don't want me around the crib sometimes because i remind everybody about keeping the crib some kinda neat. i hate when they try to make me out to be the bad guy. mostly i just try to promote the value of organization & focused energy in defeating life's obstacles. hopefully they'll realize that 1 day...

make like i'm not going to be bangin' out some new tracks next week...

PEACE calm...

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