Sunday, July 05, 2009

here's a timeless question...

why do Africans in the U.S. celebrate 7/4 just like Europeans?

i've never understood that about the African community in the U.S. technically independence for Africans did not occur until a century or 2 later. the sad part is that many of the wars fought by this country would not have been as successful if not for the involvement of African troops. this is most ironically true of the Civil War. there would be an extra country in North America had it not been for African troops saving the U.S. military effort against the C.S. military.

for all the talk about Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation would have been completely useless if the C.S. had not lost the war. imagine the U.S. telling British citizens that they no longer had to follow the laws of their recognized governing body. even better, how about a law gets passed in the U.S. that applies to the citizens of China. doesn't make any sense at all.

history is amazing if you actually pay attention to it. learning not to repeat mistakes is an awesome thing to do. too bad most people find history unimportant. it isn't the dates, it's the lessons...

make like people don't just follow along blindly w/o thinking or asking questions...

PEACE calm...

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